Source code for yubico_client.otp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Name: Yubico Python Client
# Description: Python class for verifying Yubico One Time Passwords (OTPs).
# Author: Tomaz Muraus (
# License: BSD
# Copyright (c) 2010-2019, Tomaž Muraus
# Copyright (c) 2012, Yubico AB
# All rights reserved.

from yubico_client.modhex import translate
from yubico_client.py3 import u

[docs]class OTP(object): """ Class which holds data about an OTP. """ def __init__(self, otp, translate_otp=True): """ Represents an OTP token. :param otp: OTP token. :type: otp: ``str`` :param translate_otp: True if the OTP should be translated. :type translate_otp: ``bool`` """ if translate_otp: self.otp = self.get_otp_modehex_interpretation(otp) else: self.otp = otp self.device_id = self.otp[:12] self.session_counter = None self.timestamp = None self.session_user = None
[docs] def get_otp_modehex_interpretation(self, otp): """ Return modhex interpretation of the provided OTP. If there are multiple interpretations available, first one is used, because if the OTP uses all 16 characters in its alphabet there is only one possible interpretation of that OTP. :return: Modhex interpretation of the OTP. :rtype: ``str`` """ try: interpretations = translate(u(otp)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return otp if not interpretations: return otp elif len(interpretations) > 1: # If there are multiple interpretations first try to use the same # translation as the input OTP. If the one is not found, use the # random interpretation. if u(otp) in interpretations: return otp return interpretations.pop()
def __repr__(self): return '%s, %s, %s' % (self.otp, self.device_id, self.timestamp)